Monday, 26 April 2010
How to cook your own ham and save a fortune
Now that we have just got Easter out of the way it got me thinking, Easter seems to increase in cost each year. What are the costs to me, well there are Easter Eggs, Easter outfits, Easter Bonnets but above all else the biggest cost is Ham. Why do we spend $70 on a piece of meat. I got to thinking does it really cost this much or are the butchers just making an absolute fortune from us? I was looking on the [[Internet]] and found this article http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-cook-a-ham, I am going to do this next year, it will save me a fortune. Well why do I bother with ham each Easter, it’s tradition isn’t it. At Christmas I like to have a Pork Dinner and at Easter a Ham Dinner. For me those are traditional, I have always found Turkey too dry at Christmas. When I was reading the article I was surprised that ham only has 140 calories for a 3 ounce serving, I would have thought it was far more than that. The most essential part of preparing your own ham is the actual purchase of the original ham in the first place. There are lots of different types of ham though so you need to know which type you like. For me, I like what is known as Shank Ham. This type of ham contains less fat and some say it is harder to carve but it is the one I like! It’s also important to choose how much to buy. I generally buy loads and at over the course of a week. Unlike with turkey or pork I never seem to bore of eating ham over a week and there are quite a few dishes that I can use it for.
It’s also important to store the ham right apparently. You need to make sure it is cool enough. There are all sorts of ways you can prepare the ham too. There are too many for me to list so check for yourself at http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-cook-a-ham. Well I suppose it is a full year before I can practice this but I sure intend too. Keep watching this post as I will let you know the results. What’s more Easter will cost me less next year too. So I get my ham but at a much lower price, perfect.

Is romance dead in this age of the Internet and especially Craigslist?
My oldest son is at that age, that age when you can get awkward around girls, he is seventeen. It got me thinking of how awkward it was for me to ask a girl out.
Don’t ask me why – I don’t know I was just shy I guess! I then got to thinking how has the Internet changed all of that? These days all you have to do is go on the Internet register your interest and hey presto for a lot of people an instant boyfriend/girlfriend.
OK that view is a little halcyon perhaps, it is not instant but it is often fairly rapid. What happens is the human intimacy and emotion is neutralized by the remoteness of the “transaction”.
It is so much easier to ask someone out from behind a computer keyboard than it is too ask them out face to face. Are computers robbing us of our intimacy then? I think perhaps to some extent they are.
I was reading this Mahalo article - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-ask-a-girl-to-prom I like this article – why you ask? Well in this scenario, romance is still not dead.
The scenario here is that you are the guy and you want to ask a girl to the date, but you are embarrassed, what strategies can you come up with to overcome your shyness?
Well a good start is who do you want to go the prom with? It is a fact you know that a lot of the pretty girls don’t get asked because all the guys think they will already have a date, so don’t be fooled by that false truth. Before you ask to try and find out if she is going with someone else already, you don’t want to make yourself look a fool unnecessarily.
If the girl is still available and it seems right just find a good time and place and ask her. I love this because this is true romance. Not the internet post an advert on Craiglist type stuff you get these days.
So for me romance is not dead, even in this computer age. If you have an opinion please post a comment to this post. I will try and respond and comments are welcomed.
Best of luck and I hope that Cupid and romance are kind to you. Be sure to give this site a look - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-ask-a-girl-to-prom
Over and out from Bestpay
Don’t ask me why – I don’t know I was just shy I guess! I then got to thinking how has the Internet changed all of that? These days all you have to do is go on the Internet register your interest and hey presto for a lot of people an instant boyfriend/girlfriend.
OK that view is a little halcyon perhaps, it is not instant but it is often fairly rapid. What happens is the human intimacy and emotion is neutralized by the remoteness of the “transaction”.
It is so much easier to ask someone out from behind a computer keyboard than it is too ask them out face to face. Are computers robbing us of our intimacy then? I think perhaps to some extent they are.
I was reading this Mahalo article - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-ask-a-girl-to-prom I like this article – why you ask? Well in this scenario, romance is still not dead.
The scenario here is that you are the guy and you want to ask a girl to the date, but you are embarrassed, what strategies can you come up with to overcome your shyness?
Well a good start is who do you want to go the prom with? It is a fact you know that a lot of the pretty girls don’t get asked because all the guys think they will already have a date, so don’t be fooled by that false truth. Before you ask to try and find out if she is going with someone else already, you don’t want to make yourself look a fool unnecessarily.
If the girl is still available and it seems right just find a good time and place and ask her. I love this because this is true romance. Not the internet post an advert on Craiglist type stuff you get these days.
So for me romance is not dead, even in this computer age. If you have an opinion please post a comment to this post. I will try and respond and comments are welcomed.
Best of luck and I hope that Cupid and romance are kind to you. Be sure to give this site a look - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-ask-a-girl-to-prom
Over and out from Bestpay
Don't let your computer slow you down!
If you are like me you will be on your computer a lot. I seem to be on my computer half of my life. When I am at work I am on my computer, when I am at home I am often on my computer. I can’t even think about what life would be like without a computer. In case some of you are wondering I own an Asus 17” laptop. Tremendous a desktop replacement model, does everything I want. There are two scourges for me though of using my laptop. The first are viruses and malware. The second is slow running of my PC. The thing I hate about both of the above is the level of irritation they bring. I can’t stand the fact that somebody was so evil that they deliberately designed a virus/malware to affect me, my life and my computer. What I want to major on in this article is when my computer runs slow. It drives me around the bend! Fortunately (and touch wood) it has not happened with my current computer. The problem with slow running speed is that it is very difficult to diagnose. When you have a slow running computer it is a game to know where to start. I was very pleased with my old computer when I came across this guide from Mahalo:
http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-make-your-computer-run-faster I have already sort of talked about one of the points. See if you have any Malware this is a common reason for slow computer speed. Before you do anything though – make sure you back your computer up, it is essential as you might lose all your information otherwise. Other tips/suggestions include removal of some of your programs. You know the program you downloaded one day in July last year and have never used since. It is amazing how many times we do this. Check it now, I bet most people will have 10+ of these sort of programs. These can slow the computer down; remove any that you do not need. Also defragment your disk. When you save to your hard disk it does not save it necessarily in one place. The data is saved in various places. This is called disk fragmentation. When you run disk defragmentation it means that all of your data is saved in the same area of your hard disk. This means files are easier to retrieve and save. Another useful exercise is to ensure that all your programs and drivers are upgraded to the latest versions. Using the latest version will improve speed and will also reduce the threat of viruses/malware. Once again, check this page out for some useful information - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-make-your-computer-run-faster Thanks for now, Bestpay
http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-make-your-computer-run-faster I have already sort of talked about one of the points. See if you have any Malware this is a common reason for slow computer speed. Before you do anything though – make sure you back your computer up, it is essential as you might lose all your information otherwise. Other tips/suggestions include removal of some of your programs. You know the program you downloaded one day in July last year and have never used since. It is amazing how many times we do this. Check it now, I bet most people will have 10+ of these sort of programs. These can slow the computer down; remove any that you do not need. Also defragment your disk. When you save to your hard disk it does not save it necessarily in one place. The data is saved in various places. This is called disk fragmentation. When you run disk defragmentation it means that all of your data is saved in the same area of your hard disk. This means files are easier to retrieve and save. Another useful exercise is to ensure that all your programs and drivers are upgraded to the latest versions. Using the latest version will improve speed and will also reduce the threat of viruses/malware. Once again, check this page out for some useful information - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-make-your-computer-run-faster Thanks for now, Bestpay
Mahalo - a great place to go for the latest information on the Stanley Cup
I found the page http://www.mahalo.com/stanley-cup which is a really good place to go for all the latest Stanley Cup information. Give this page a look for all the latest Hockey Information. Bestpay
Friday, 23 April 2010
Make you next vacation an all inclusive one. Why pay more?
I was just thinking today of booking my next vacation. I was thinking what I really wanted was a vacation that was all inclusive.
Over the years I have gone off these holidays where everything is extra. What I want now is to pay by card up front and then I can enjoy my holiday without having to open my wallet all the time. Am I mean? Not really I just want value for money – I work hard enough to earn it, so I should spend it carefully too, right?
I came upon this page on Mahalo that really helps actually - http://www.mahalo.com/all-inclusive-vacations This page gives me a lot of information about all inclusive vacations. http://www.destination360.com/caribbean/aruba/images/s/all-inclusive-vacation...
I am already imagining myself there Bermuda, Aruba this summer. But I want to know I don’t need to worry about money, I want all of that to have been paid for. I learned that all of these sites are good for all inclusive vacations:
Just to clarify, what I am talking about by “all inclusive” is a holiday that pays for the airfare, cost of accommodation, food and drinks, leisure and activities and also hopefully some tickets to local amenities and attractions.
I have been to these sort of holidays in the past and they have always gone really well for me. It’s really good to relax and know that I don’t have to worry about money and everything is all paid. I really have never liked taking money away with me either, especially in large values. This method means if I do get robbed or lose it somehow my lost should be much lower. Also you don’t have to lose a lot of money on currency translation. http://www.forexinspire.com/image/currency%20exchange%20rates.jpg
It’s also good to check out the terms and conditions/policies. http://www.mahalo.com/all-inclusive-vacations says checkout any restrictions, and if there are any blackout dates.
In case you are wondering where to book an all inclusive vacation in person, you can if you want book through your local travel agent. They will have a wealth of different all inclusive vacation packages to choose from. You don’t have to use travel agents though; all the information is available on the Internet through sites like the ones I have already listed. Well I am off to book mine now; I will let you know where I end up going to! As Madonna once said – “if we took a holiday, it would be, it would be so nice”. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K89AtVD4NGs
Over the years I have gone off these holidays where everything is extra. What I want now is to pay by card up front and then I can enjoy my holiday without having to open my wallet all the time. Am I mean? Not really I just want value for money – I work hard enough to earn it, so I should spend it carefully too, right?
I came upon this page on Mahalo that really helps actually - http://www.mahalo.com/all-inclusive-vacations This page gives me a lot of information about all inclusive vacations. http://www.destination360.com/caribbean/aruba/images/s/all-inclusive-vacation...
I am already imagining myself there Bermuda, Aruba this summer. But I want to know I don’t need to worry about money, I want all of that to have been paid for. I learned that all of these sites are good for all inclusive vacations:
Just to clarify, what I am talking about by “all inclusive” is a holiday that pays for the airfare, cost of accommodation, food and drinks, leisure and activities and also hopefully some tickets to local amenities and attractions.
I have been to these sort of holidays in the past and they have always gone really well for me. It’s really good to relax and know that I don’t have to worry about money and everything is all paid. I really have never liked taking money away with me either, especially in large values. This method means if I do get robbed or lose it somehow my lost should be much lower. Also you don’t have to lose a lot of money on currency translation. http://www.forexinspire.com/image/currency%20exchange%20rates.jpg
It’s also good to check out the terms and conditions/policies. http://www.mahalo.com/all-inclusive-vacations says checkout any restrictions, and if there are any blackout dates.
In case you are wondering where to book an all inclusive vacation in person, you can if you want book through your local travel agent. They will have a wealth of different all inclusive vacation packages to choose from. You don’t have to use travel agents though; all the information is available on the Internet through sites like the ones I have already listed. Well I am off to book mine now; I will let you know where I end up going to! As Madonna once said – “if we took a holiday, it would be, it would be so nice”. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K89AtVD4NGs
Who doesn't like free music?
I have already decided earlier that I don’t like infomercials but one thing I definitely do like is free music – who doesn’t?
I am worried though. Is it right, is it moral. OK I know the record companies have made a fortune over the years but is it fair I can just have their stuff for free?
Well what I need to get through this minefield is advice. I found this advice on Mahalo - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-download-free-music Basically this gives me a lot of good advice on how to download free music. Not in any sort of shady way, but in a legally and responsible way.
What I did not realize too much was that their are lots of good free resources online, places where you can download music for free, places such as Digital Eargasm - http://digitaleargasm1.blogspot.com/ I have already spent some time looking through some of these resources and OK you don’t always get bands like U2, Boyz 2 Men, etc but you can find some gems, as they would say in Aladdin “The Diamond in the rough”. Some of this free content is actually very good.
There is so much to learn about downloading free music though and that is why this site is so good - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-download-free-music It’s also a good idea to review this download information from the RIAA - http://www.riaa.com/physicalpiracy.php?content_selector=piracy_details_online – This provides chilling information about potential legal cases for piracy and also talks about a supreme court ruling in the past.
I don’t know about you but I have kids and I have been worried about them downloading some material without me knowing. As the owner of my internet service provision (ISP), I am legally responsible for what is downloaded. If you haven’t already it is advisable to have some controls in place so that you know what your children are downloading.
Normally people put controls in place for pornography but it is just as important these days t o control music, if you don’t you can be prosecuted.
I think what the youth of today don’t seem to get either is that music is something you should pay for. When I was a kid I frequently went out and spent all my money on the latest RATT/Guns N Roses album and didn’t mind doing it. I played that vinyl until it was well worn, it was worth every penny. But kids today they just seem to think music should be free. If there is one thing I have learned it is that “nobody rides for free” – a classic from Ratt, I must download it. Here is the video link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_GwHlIVWMY
I am worried though. Is it right, is it moral. OK I know the record companies have made a fortune over the years but is it fair I can just have their stuff for free?
Well what I need to get through this minefield is advice. I found this advice on Mahalo - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-download-free-music Basically this gives me a lot of good advice on how to download free music. Not in any sort of shady way, but in a legally and responsible way.
What I did not realize too much was that their are lots of good free resources online, places where you can download music for free, places such as Digital Eargasm - http://digitaleargasm1.blogspot.com/ I have already spent some time looking through some of these resources and OK you don’t always get bands like U2, Boyz 2 Men, etc but you can find some gems, as they would say in Aladdin “The Diamond in the rough”. Some of this free content is actually very good.
There is so much to learn about downloading free music though and that is why this site is so good - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-download-free-music It’s also a good idea to review this download information from the RIAA - http://www.riaa.com/physicalpiracy.php?content_selector=piracy_details_online – This provides chilling information about potential legal cases for piracy and also talks about a supreme court ruling in the past.
I don’t know about you but I have kids and I have been worried about them downloading some material without me knowing. As the owner of my internet service provision (ISP), I am legally responsible for what is downloaded. If you haven’t already it is advisable to have some controls in place so that you know what your children are downloading.
Normally people put controls in place for pornography but it is just as important these days t o control music, if you don’t you can be prosecuted.
I think what the youth of today don’t seem to get either is that music is something you should pay for. When I was a kid I frequently went out and spent all my money on the latest RATT/Guns N Roses album and didn’t mind doing it. I played that vinyl until it was well worn, it was worth every penny. But kids today they just seem to think music should be free. If there is one thing I have learned it is that “nobody rides for free” – a classic from Ratt, I must download it. Here is the video link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_GwHlIVWMY
Who doesn't like free music?
I have already decided earlier that I don’t like infomercials but one thing I definitely do like is free music – who doesn’t?
I am worried though. Is it right, is it moral. OK I know the record companies have made a fortune over the years but is it fair I can just have their stuff for free?
Well what I need to get through this minefield is advice. I found this advice on Mahalo - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-download-free-music Basically this gives me a lot of good advice on how to download free music. Not in any sort of shady way, but in a legally and responsible way.
What I did not realize too much was that their are lots of good free resources online, places where you can download music for free, places such as Digital Eargasm - http://digitaleargasm1.blogspot.com/ I have already spent some time looking through some of these resources and OK you don’t always get bands like U2, Boyz 2 Men, etc but you can find some gems, as they would say in Aladdin “The Diamond in the rough”. Some of this free content is actually very good.
There is so much to learn about downloading free music though and that is why this site is so good - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-download-free-music It’s also a good idea to review this download information from the RIAA - http://www.riaa.com/physicalpiracy.php?content_selector=piracy_details_online – This provides chilling information about potential legal cases for piracy and also talks about a supreme court ruling in the past.
I don’t know about you but I have kids and I have been worried about them downloading some material without me knowing. As the owner of my internet service provision (ISP), I am legally responsible for what is downloaded. If you haven’t already it is advisable to have some controls in place so that you know what your children are downloading.
Normally people put controls in place for pornography but it is just as important these days t o control music, if you don’t you can be prosecuted.
I think what the youth of today don’t seem to get either is that music is something you should pay for. When I was a kid I frequently went out and spent all my money on the latest RATT/Guns N Roses album and didn’t mind doing it. I played that vinyl until it was well worn, it was worth every penny. But kids today they just seem to think music should be free. If there is one thing I have learned it is that “nobody rides for free” – a classic from Ratt, I must download it. Here is the video link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_GwHlIVWMY
I am worried though. Is it right, is it moral. OK I know the record companies have made a fortune over the years but is it fair I can just have their stuff for free?
Well what I need to get through this minefield is advice. I found this advice on Mahalo - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-download-free-music Basically this gives me a lot of good advice on how to download free music. Not in any sort of shady way, but in a legally and responsible way.
What I did not realize too much was that their are lots of good free resources online, places where you can download music for free, places such as Digital Eargasm - http://digitaleargasm1.blogspot.com/ I have already spent some time looking through some of these resources and OK you don’t always get bands like U2, Boyz 2 Men, etc but you can find some gems, as they would say in Aladdin “The Diamond in the rough”. Some of this free content is actually very good.
There is so much to learn about downloading free music though and that is why this site is so good - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-download-free-music It’s also a good idea to review this download information from the RIAA - http://www.riaa.com/physicalpiracy.php?content_selector=piracy_details_online – This provides chilling information about potential legal cases for piracy and also talks about a supreme court ruling in the past.
I don’t know about you but I have kids and I have been worried about them downloading some material without me knowing. As the owner of my internet service provision (ISP), I am legally responsible for what is downloaded. If you haven’t already it is advisable to have some controls in place so that you know what your children are downloading.
Normally people put controls in place for pornography but it is just as important these days t o control music, if you don’t you can be prosecuted.
I think what the youth of today don’t seem to get either is that music is something you should pay for. When I was a kid I frequently went out and spent all my money on the latest RATT/Guns N Roses album and didn’t mind doing it. I played that vinyl until it was well worn, it was worth every penny. But kids today they just seem to think music should be free. If there is one thing I have learned it is that “nobody rides for free” – a classic from Ratt, I must download it. Here is the video link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_GwHlIVWMY
Infomercials – Do you love or hate them?
Excuse the rate but it seems now whenever I watch [[TV]], I get sold to. Now I have been watching [[TV]] since the [[1970]]’s but its these Infomercials I am talking about. Apparently it all changed in 1984 when the FCC allowed this format of advertising.
You know the sort of advert, where it’s recorded as it it’s a TV program. It is sometimes hard these days to tell the difference between a TV program and one of these. Have you noticed these daytime programs now where they say enter our competition and win $1,000. They are not doing us a favor, they will make way more than that in income.
I was reading this post - http://www.mahalo.com/infomercial-fail-montage, this talks about the infomercial format. It says that a lot of these infomercials show a household chore that is a real bind and then they go on to say how this chore is resolved through their product.
Have you ever bought one of these products? You know Miracle Carpet Shampoo, or Super Duper Fungus Remover as examples – I know I never have. I suppose though if we want free to air TV then we need to put up with these types of commercials, probably forever!
The article goes on to give some funny examples of where people are doing things wrong, e.g. “Several people have trouble pouring milk, juice or soda into a glass”, “Lots more issues with cracking and preparing eggs, clearly a trouble spot for many Americans”. I would recommend you have a look at http://www.mahalo.com/infomercial-fail-montage, quite an interesting look at failed montages. If by any chance you don’t know what I am talking about try this link, it has nine infomercials on it, you will cringe as you watch these - http://www.inthe80s.com/infomerc.shtml There are some well known cringworthy examples here such as:
*Bruce Jenner: PowerWalk Plus (treadmill)
*Jake Steinfeld: Body by Jake (hip and thigh exercise machine) Another site here features 10 videos of infomercials, if you want to see some. Overall and regrettably I think this format is here to stay. Make your own mind up. As for me this rant is over, on to my next topic I suppose. One thing is for sure I am going to do my best to avoid any more infomercials for today at least. Thanks everybody for listening, I suppose even this is blog is selling. I am selling the concept of not watching infomercials.
You know the sort of advert, where it’s recorded as it it’s a TV program. It is sometimes hard these days to tell the difference between a TV program and one of these. Have you noticed these daytime programs now where they say enter our competition and win $1,000. They are not doing us a favor, they will make way more than that in income.
I was reading this post - http://www.mahalo.com/infomercial-fail-montage, this talks about the infomercial format. It says that a lot of these infomercials show a household chore that is a real bind and then they go on to say how this chore is resolved through their product.
Have you ever bought one of these products? You know Miracle Carpet Shampoo, or Super Duper Fungus Remover as examples – I know I never have. I suppose though if we want free to air TV then we need to put up with these types of commercials, probably forever!
The article goes on to give some funny examples of where people are doing things wrong, e.g. “Several people have trouble pouring milk, juice or soda into a glass”, “Lots more issues with cracking and preparing eggs, clearly a trouble spot for many Americans”. I would recommend you have a look at http://www.mahalo.com/infomercial-fail-montage, quite an interesting look at failed montages. If by any chance you don’t know what I am talking about try this link, it has nine infomercials on it, you will cringe as you watch these - http://www.inthe80s.com/infomerc.shtml There are some well known cringworthy examples here such as:
*Bruce Jenner: PowerWalk Plus (treadmill)
*Jake Steinfeld: Body by Jake (hip and thigh exercise machine) Another site here features 10 videos of infomercials, if you want to see some. Overall and regrettably I think this format is here to stay. Make your own mind up. As for me this rant is over, on to my next topic I suppose. One thing is for sure I am going to do my best to avoid any more infomercials for today at least. Thanks everybody for listening, I suppose even this is blog is selling. I am selling the concept of not watching infomercials.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Do we really need stock brokers we have the internet?
http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-buy-stocks-without-a-broker got me thinking, do we really need to use a broker anymore? There are lots of alternatives out there.
In this blog post I am going to look at some of the options and consider a route forward.
I have been following Apple Stock recently, the NYSE code for this is AAPL. I have been really interested in information about this stock because of the release of the iPad. http://images.intomobile.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/ipad-536x648.png
I have found [[Yahoo Finance]] an invaluable aid. All the information for AAPL is available at http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=AAPL This includes stats such as last trade, price up/down today, market value, price/earnings ratio, earnings per share, dividend yield, etc What I like about Yahoo Finance is that all the financial information is all presented to me in one view.
I also like the New York Times – here is the Apple page - http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/business/companies/apple_computer_inc/inde... – This page provides a wealth of information, more than a mere mortal like me could want!
Once I have collected all the financial information, I then like to get a general company overview. For me, I head to Wikipedia. For Apple the address is - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Inc. (N.B. Wikipedia separates from the fruit by calling this page Apple Inc. All the sort of information I could want about Apple is on this page including company history, current products, timeline of apple products, culture, corporate affairs, environmental record, labor practices and more... http://newtonpoetry.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/apple_logo_640x480.jpg
I am now getting a really clear picture of what buying shares in Apple would be getting me into. I have a good financial understanding and a good general knowledge of Apple, the company. What is more there has been no broker advice at all.
So what is left to do? I guess I had best understand the fundamentals of investing. This page provides me with a lot of the fundamentals required before you invest - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-invest
Advice here includes making sure I can afford the investment. Also to do my research, well I seem to be doing plenty of research with the various sources I have looked into. It recommends a diversified portfolio, so I definitely should not be investing all of my hard earned cash into Apple.
The fact is with stocks, it is a gamble, do the Brokers really know much more than we do sometimes. On some occasions no doubt they do but many times you are paying without really getting especially educated/informed advice.
Well I am going to dabble and get some AAPL stock. I know they are on a high at the moment but I think with the success of the iPad they could go higher.
Wish me luck, I might just need it!
In this blog post I am going to look at some of the options and consider a route forward.
I have been following Apple Stock recently, the NYSE code for this is AAPL. I have been really interested in information about this stock because of the release of the iPad. http://images.intomobile.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/ipad-536x648.png
I have found [[Yahoo Finance]] an invaluable aid. All the information for AAPL is available at http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=AAPL This includes stats such as last trade, price up/down today, market value, price/earnings ratio, earnings per share, dividend yield, etc What I like about Yahoo Finance is that all the financial information is all presented to me in one view.
I also like the New York Times – here is the Apple page - http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/business/companies/apple_computer_inc/inde... – This page provides a wealth of information, more than a mere mortal like me could want!
Once I have collected all the financial information, I then like to get a general company overview. For me, I head to Wikipedia. For Apple the address is - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Inc. (N.B. Wikipedia separates from the fruit by calling this page Apple Inc. All the sort of information I could want about Apple is on this page including company history, current products, timeline of apple products, culture, corporate affairs, environmental record, labor practices and more... http://newtonpoetry.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/apple_logo_640x480.jpg
I am now getting a really clear picture of what buying shares in Apple would be getting me into. I have a good financial understanding and a good general knowledge of Apple, the company. What is more there has been no broker advice at all.
So what is left to do? I guess I had best understand the fundamentals of investing. This page provides me with a lot of the fundamentals required before you invest - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-invest
Advice here includes making sure I can afford the investment. Also to do my research, well I seem to be doing plenty of research with the various sources I have looked into. It recommends a diversified portfolio, so I definitely should not be investing all of my hard earned cash into Apple.
The fact is with stocks, it is a gamble, do the Brokers really know much more than we do sometimes. On some occasions no doubt they do but many times you are paying without really getting especially educated/informed advice.
Well I am going to dabble and get some AAPL stock. I know they are on a high at the moment but I think with the success of the iPad they could go higher.
Wish me luck, I might just need it!
Dietician or Dietitian? Which is the correct spelling? - Is this a good career?
Why on earth would I want to write about becoming a Dietician? I don’t know exactly it is just a subject I am interested in, I guess.
I got thinking when I read http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-become-a-dietitian the other day. The first that struck me was the name – had I been spelling the word Dietician wrong all these years? This article is spelled Dietitian!
I then looked it up and phew, thank goodness my spelling was correct. According to http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/dietitian the word can be spelled as either Dietician or Dietitian. It’s one of those words where either spelling is OK. The salary for Dietician’s seem quite good, up to about $71K apparently, although this seems to vary quite a lot, I think there must be a lot of more junior roles.
If you want to become a Dietician you will need to study for a Bachelors Degree. It is best to obtain a degree relevant to the field but you can still get a job in some circumstances even if your degree is unrelated. Related degrees include, Bachelors of Science in dietetics, Bachelors of Science in Foods and Nutrition, BA of science in Food science, BA of science in Food management and BA of science in food service management. - http://www.brighthub.com/health/diet-nutrition/articles/57340.aspx
Apparently it pays to specialize - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-become-a-dietitian the. I think if I was to choose a specialism and being a Sports fan I would choose to study for the role of a Sports Dietician. I think having a job like this would be really good in terms of your own personal health too. Having an understanding of how the diet you eat impacts your health must be a good thing – right? http://www.firehow.com/images/stories/users/80/registered-dietitian.jpg
Once you have passed your degree you are nearly there but you still need to become an accredited Dietician. You do this simply by getting some extra qualification. These take about 6-12 months. You will then need to pass an examination from the Commission on Dietetic Registration and you are away. Taking this approach you should be a full blown, qualified Dietician/Dietitian, whatever you want to call it. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the demand for Dieticians is good too. Apparently the number of jobs will rise by 5,000 to 62,000 by 2016. - http://www.degreefinders.com/education-articles/careers/how-to-become-a-dieti... I hope the content in this article is useful. I have drawn it together from a few Internet resources, which are all worth checking out for further information. Thanks for the visit and if I can be of any further help please get in touch with me.

I then looked it up and phew, thank goodness my spelling was correct. According to http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/dietitian the word can be spelled as either Dietician or Dietitian. It’s one of those words where either spelling is OK. The salary for Dietician’s seem quite good, up to about $71K apparently, although this seems to vary quite a lot, I think there must be a lot of more junior roles.
If you want to become a Dietician you will need to study for a Bachelors Degree. It is best to obtain a degree relevant to the field but you can still get a job in some circumstances even if your degree is unrelated. Related degrees include, Bachelors of Science in dietetics, Bachelors of Science in Foods and Nutrition, BA of science in Food science, BA of science in Food management and BA of science in food service management. - http://www.brighthub.com/health/diet-nutrition/articles/57340.aspx

Apparently it pays to specialize - http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-become-a-dietitian the. I think if I was to choose a specialism and being a Sports fan I would choose to study for the role of a Sports Dietician. I think having a job like this would be really good in terms of your own personal health too. Having an understanding of how the diet you eat impacts your health must be a good thing – right? http://www.firehow.com/images/stories/users/80/registered-dietitian.jpg
Once you have passed your degree you are nearly there but you still need to become an accredited Dietician. You do this simply by getting some extra qualification. These take about 6-12 months. You will then need to pass an examination from the Commission on Dietetic Registration and you are away. Taking this approach you should be a full blown, qualified Dietician/Dietitian, whatever you want to call it. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the demand for Dieticians is good too. Apparently the number of jobs will rise by 5,000 to 62,000 by 2016. - http://www.degreefinders.com/education-articles/careers/how-to-become-a-dieti... I hope the content in this article is useful. I have drawn it together from a few Internet resources, which are all worth checking out for further information. Thanks for the visit and if I can be of any further help please get in touch with me.
Monday, 12 April 2010
Microsoft Kin Launched - Details of Microsoft Press Conference - New Phone - Details at Mahalo
The Microsoft Kin launched today, find all the details on Mahalo. The new social communication phone developed by Microsoft, Verizon, Sharp and Vodafone.

Friday, 2 April 2010
Will the iPad Camera Kit support my Nikon D300?
http://bit.ly/9P5TdD Read this and more:
To get your iPad to support your Nikon D300 like you have suggested you will need to buy the iPad camera kit - http://store.apple.com/us/product/MC531?mco=MTczNzY0NDg
Whilst this is a highly functional tool, unfortunately it will cost you another $27.99 on top of the price of the iPad itself.
To get your iPad to support your Nikon D300 like you have suggested you will need to buy the iPad camera kit - http://store.apple.com/us/product/MC531?mco=MTczNzY0NDg
Whilst this is a highly functional tool, unfortunately it will cost you another $27.99 on top of the price of the iPad itself.

Will the iPad be able to support HTML5?
http://bit.ly/dwuL16 Read this and more:
Most definitely the iPad does include support for HTML5. This is because Steve Jobs and Apple are very passionate about the future of HTML5 and have decided to pursue this technology rather than Adobe Flash. http://www.ipad-answers.com/ipad-software/will-the-ipad-be-able-to-support-html5
Most definitely the iPad does include support for HTML5. This is because Steve Jobs and Apple are very passionate about the future of HTML5 and have decided to pursue this technology rather than Adobe Flash. http://www.ipad-answers.com/ipad-software/will-the-ipad-be-able-to-support-html5
Can I watch YouTube videos on the iPad?
http://bit.ly/bk57xE Read this and much more:
Here is a comment from the YouTube site about the use of Flash. "''In the context of YouTube, Flash refers to Adobe Flash Player. YouTube uses the Adobe Flash Player to display the videos you watch on the site every day. Flash Player is a plug-in for your web browser, and like most software it is updated periodically by Adobe."''
Here is a comment from the YouTube site about the use of Flash. "''In the context of YouTube, Flash refers to Adobe Flash Player. YouTube uses the Adobe Flash Player to display the videos you watch on the site every day. Flash Player is a plug-in for your web browser, and like most software it is updated periodically by Adobe."''
Thursday, 1 April 2010
iPad Answers – Independent advice about the iPad - http://www.ipad-answers.com/.
If you are interested in the new iPad from Apple then probably like me you will have some questions? I have found a great website for questions and answers about the iPad, it is called iPad Answers and can be found at - http://www.ipad-answers.com/.
iPad answers is a site full of interesting questions and topics about the iPad. It is relatively new right now but as each day goes by new questions are being asked all the time. I am sure it is only a matter of time before most questions you could ask about an iPod will have been asked!
Here are some examples of great questions, which I have had the pleasure of answering:
* http://www.mahalo.com/answers/ipad-specs/is-the-ipad-too-big-and-too-heavy
* http://www.mahalo.com/answers/ipad-software/will-the-ipad-be-able-to-support-html5
* http://www.mahalo.com/answers/ipad-rumors/can-i-watch-youtube-com-youtube-videos-on-the-ipad
* http://www.mahalo.com/answers/ipad-specs/does-the-ipad-connect-to-the-internet-with-3g-4g-or-wifi I’ve also got to ask some questions myself, such as:
* http://www.mahalo.com/answers/ipad-contests-and-promotions/free-ipad-sources (if only I am still waiting for an answer on this one!)
* http://www.mahalo.com/answers/ipad-advertising-and-commercials/spoof-viral-ads-ipad (this has proved popular, I have 3 answers already!)
* http://www.mahalo.com/answers/ipad-paid-games/will-games-for-the-ipad-be-the-same-or-more-expensive-than-the-same-game-for-the-iphone
http://www.ipad-answers.com/ has a wide variety of categories. I have listed them here so you can see all the variety - iPad Accessories, iPad Advertising & Commercials, iPad Alternatives, iPad Applications & Software, iPad Blogs & Forums, iPad Books & Newspapers, iPad Care & Maintenance, iPad Contests & Promotions, iPad Development, iPad Games, iPad Hacks & Mods, iPad Jokes & Humor, iPad News & Rumors, iPad OS & Updates, iPad Pictures & Videos, iPad Plans, iPad Problems, iPad Reviews, iPad Shopping, iPad Specs and iPad Tips & Instruction I’ve noticed that nearly all of the answers get answered within a few hours and there is some really interesting answers to questions and information available. Listen up, this gets better! Many of you will know I have been a member of www.mahalo.com as user Bestpay - http://www.mahalo.com/member/bestpay since June 2009. Well http://www.ipad-answers.com/ is a daughter site to Mahalo. This means you get all the benefits of the Mahalo set-up, support, and architecture. Perhaps more importantly you get a chance to be part of a community and to get paid for your contributions.
You will not be paid for raising questions but you will be paid for each time you get a best answer. Each new question has a default M$0.50 tip. Other members can add tips if they think a question is interesting enough. Some questions go for M$2.00+. Mahalo Dollars are an internal currency that can be converted to US$ at the end of each month, for balances of M$150+. Why not take a look at http://www.ipad-answers.com/ today? I am pretty sure you will be glad you did. Catch you on another day, Alan
iPad answers is a site full of interesting questions and topics about the iPad. It is relatively new right now but as each day goes by new questions are being asked all the time. I am sure it is only a matter of time before most questions you could ask about an iPod will have been asked!
Here are some examples of great questions, which I have had the pleasure of answering:
* http://www.mahalo.com/answers/ipad-specs/is-the-ipad-too-big-and-too-heavy
* http://www.mahalo.com/answers/ipad-software/will-the-ipad-be-able-to-support-html5
* http://www.mahalo.com/answers/ipad-rumors/can-i-watch-youtube-com-youtube-videos-on-the-ipad
* http://www.mahalo.com/answers/ipad-specs/does-the-ipad-connect-to-the-internet-with-3g-4g-or-wifi I’ve also got to ask some questions myself, such as:
* http://www.mahalo.com/answers/ipad-contests-and-promotions/free-ipad-sources (if only I am still waiting for an answer on this one!)
* http://www.mahalo.com/answers/ipad-advertising-and-commercials/spoof-viral-ads-ipad (this has proved popular, I have 3 answers already!)
* http://www.mahalo.com/answers/ipad-paid-games/will-games-for-the-ipad-be-the-same-or-more-expensive-than-the-same-game-for-the-iphone

You will not be paid for raising questions but you will be paid for each time you get a best answer. Each new question has a default M$0.50 tip. Other members can add tips if they think a question is interesting enough. Some questions go for M$2.00+. Mahalo Dollars are an internal currency that can be converted to US$ at the end of each month, for balances of M$150+. Why not take a look at http://www.ipad-answers.com/ today? I am pretty sure you will be glad you did. Catch you on another day, Alan
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