Thursday, 1 April 2010

iPad Answers – Independent advice about the iPad -

If you are interested in the new iPad from Apple then probably like me you will have some questions? I have found a great website for questions and answers about the iPad, it is called iPad Answers and can be found at -
iPad answers is a site full of interesting questions and topics about the iPad. It is relatively new right now but as each day goes by new questions are being asked all the time. I am sure it is only a matter of time before most questions you could ask about an iPod will have been asked!
Here are some examples of great questions, which I have had the pleasure of answering:

I’ve also got to ask some questions myself, such as:
* (if only I am still waiting for an answer on this one!)
* (this has proved popular, I have 3 answers already!)
* has a wide variety of categories. I have listed them here so you can see all the variety - iPad Accessories, iPad Advertising & Commercials, iPad Alternatives, iPad Applications & Software, iPad Blogs & Forums, iPad Books & Newspapers, iPad Care & Maintenance, iPad Contests & Promotions, iPad Development, iPad Games, iPad Hacks & Mods, iPad Jokes & Humor, iPad News & Rumors, iPad OS & Updates, iPad Pictures & Videos, iPad Plans, iPad Problems, iPad Reviews, iPad Shopping, iPad Specs and iPad Tips & Instruction

I’ve noticed that nearly all of the answers get answered within a few hours and there is some really interesting answers to questions and information available.

Listen up, this gets better! Many of you will know I have been a member of as user Bestpay - since June 2009. Well is a daughter site to Mahalo. This means you get all the benefits of the Mahalo set-up, support, and architecture. Perhaps more importantly you get a chance to be part of a community and to get paid for your contributions.

You will not be paid for raising questions but you will be paid for each time you get a best answer. Each new question has a default M$0.50 tip. Other members can add tips if they think a question is interesting enough. Some questions go for M$2.00+. Mahalo Dollars are an internal currency that can be converted to US$ at the end of each month, for balances of M$150+.

Why not take a look at today? I am pretty sure you will be glad you did.

Catch you on another day,


Posted via email from alanmhorton's posterous

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